My Boss My Hero post-mortem
After writing my initial impressions of My Boss My Hero, I finished watching the rest of the series. And you know what? I’m glad I didn’t write off this drama and continued watching. My original complaint still stands in that the acting is overly dramatic and they over-do everything. The creators need to understand that a little subtlety goes a long way; I don’t need to be beat over the head with all the lessons being taught. But I suppose that supplements the absurdity of the whole premise behind the show in the first place.
My Boss My Hero is far from my favorite and I feel it’s a little over-rated by the D-Addicts community, but there’s genuinely hilarious moments and it was entertaining overall. I’m going to change my initial assessment from “not recommended” to “recommended if you’ve watched Great Teacher Onizuka and Gokusen and want more gangster/school dramas”. Stick that quote on the back of the box!
That reminds me, one of these days I need to put up a post ranking all the dramas I’ve seen. Maybe I’ll do that once I get a few more dramas under my belt since I haven’t even watched more than 10 yet. Next on my list is Dragon Zakura, which coincidentally also has the very cute Aragaki Yui, who was one of the main actresses in My Boss My Hero (and who you can see in the 3rd picture posted in my initial impressions). I swear, sometimes I think the reason why I watch these shows is for the cute girls…