Drama rankings
I’ve received a surprisingly high number of google hits to my blog from people searching for recommended Asian dramas. To satisfy the demand, I’ve created a page ranking all the dramas I’ve seen so far. There’s barely any information on the page at this time, but I’ll flesh it out when I find the time. I’m currently swamped with projects and probably won’t have much free time until next week.
While creating the page, I realized how Japanese-centric my viewing habits are. My explanation is that Korean dramas as a whole are generally epic love dramas that involve a whole lot of crying. They’re also fairly long and so involve investing quite a bit of time into them. Japanese dramas on the other hand are short (most are only around 10 episodes), and there’s a much greater variety. I would love to get some Korean drama recommendations, since pretty much everything I’ve heard about are either weepy melodramas or “My Sassy Girl” clones.
As for Chinese/Taiwanese dramas, those don’t attract as much attention as the more popular K/J dramas. However, I do have the first episode of the Taiwanese drama “It Started With a Kiss” on my hard drive that I need to watch sometime…