ETA: One Month
Anytime I get a break from hardcore med school studying, I like to quickly browse through my RSS reader and check out the latest gaming headlines. In doing so, I desperately try to cling onto any trailing threads that lead to a life I left behind seemingly years ago. Yeah, medical school isn’t easy. It’s only the end of the second week!
Anyway, Halo 3. Exactly one month from now. If there’s a silver lining, it’s that I’ve been on a near complete media blackout so whenever I finally get an opportunity to play Halo 3, it’ll be a completely fresh experience. I’m counting on Bungie not to let my anticipation be in vain. It might be Christmas break before I get to unwrap my Halo 3: Legendary Edition.
What’s the most hardcore stunt you’ve ever heard of? How about dropping out of med school to become a Halo 3 master?
Don’t worry, I’m not talking about myself. I haven’t gone that crazy yet.
This is why I leave my consoles at home, a few thousand miles away. I don’t even want to be tempted.