Penny Arcade on my wall
Penny Arcade comics are hit-or-miss, but they do have some classics. They recently started a service selling full size prints of virtually all their comics and I decided to pick up a few of my favorites for decorating purposes.
The comics come printed on thick stock paper and seem perfect for hanging on the wall. I’m happy with them, though the customer service at the Penny Arcade store could use some work. I never got notification that my order was shipped and my order status on the website is still blank. After 10 business days, I sent them an email asking if they were having problems printing the comics, but never got a reply. The comics showed up all of a sudden yesterday though, 12 business days after my order.
I have it all planned out. When I’m officially a licensed doctor, this is going up in my office. Orange Box DVD next to the poster to give you an idea of the print scale.
Original comic
This one will be displayed in my game room. The comic’s actually referring to the John Woo Stranglehold game, I don’t know why I put Mass Effect next to it. From what I hear though, Mass Effect is so good that it can blast your nuts off and you’ll grin. I’ll finally play it for myself today.
Original comic
And this last one will be in the bathroom. Maybe even in the women’s restroom if I have my own clinic someday.
Original comic
I’m leaving for Los Angeles and winter break today yay!!!