New desktop
I cleaned up my computer a bit and deleted a bunch of stuff to free up my hard drive. Also went with a new desktop design while I was at it.
Very clean and minimal, just the way I like it. It looks a lot sleeker with the WinXP taskbar switched off, but not having the bar at the bottom is inconvenient at times so I’m still debating whether to turn it back on.
Dock: ObjectDock v1.9
Dock icons: vision opal
Winamp skin: Ebonite
Wallpaper: Personal photo from the Tokyo Met. Government Building in Shinjuku.
This is not the project I was hinting at in my previous post by the way. That project’s finished and I took a bunch of photos yesterday. I’m very happy with how it turned out and will be blogging about it in a few days as soon as my brother gets one in the mail. Don’t want to ruin the surprise, now do we?