Dilemma, dilemma
Mass Effect for Xbox 360 comes out tomorrow. It’s the latest space opus RPG by BioWare (developers of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Baldur’s Gate) and according to most everyone, it is a can’t miss game and a shining gem to the 360 library.
Whether I’m going to get it or not is not the question. But when should I play it? I have the next 5 days off for Thanksgiving, which would seem like a perfect opportunity to sink my teeth into a RPG. But without the luxury of a HDTV at my apartment, I’m afraid I’ll miss out on the gorgeous subtleties of the facial expressions in the conversation system as well as other pretty niceties. I guess I could play it through a second time when I go home for Christmas break, but will I really want to do that?
On the other hand, I actually got a Wii and Super Mario Galaxy yesterday. More on that purchase experience next time. Thank you Wii for making my decision for me. You don’t even support HD lolz!