10 years of 9.9.99
On this 10th anniversary of the Sega Dreamcast U.S. launch on 9.9.99, I recommend reading this retrospective of the system by 1up writer Jeremy Parish. I don’t have much to add to that, except to say thanks for all the good times. Dreamcast is by far my favorite console that in the mere 18 months of its lifespan showcased such an unbelievable production of creativity by the industry’s finest.
One of these days I should rank a list of favorite Dreamcast games. It’s bittersweet to reflect on what Sega has become, but I’m merely stopping by today to pay my respects for the golden age. Echoing Parish: the Dreamcast was “a love letter to Sega’s fans, and to everyone who loves videogames.”
I begin my second rotation of Med 3 tomorrow: pediatrics. My first rotation from July-August was relatively light, so this is when the real work begins. I’m on call tomorrow night, which means my workday will be from 7 AM to 11 PM!! Next post will be a reflection of my first rotation (family medicine/ophthalmology). My schedule looks packed so I’ll hopefully have it online within a week…
UPDATE: I nearly forgot that I received an awesome Sonic the Hedgehog statue a few weeks ago. Never got around to photographing it, and if I had planned more carefully, today would have been the perfect day to show the statue. Stay tuned for that post as well.