Bixby Bridge – retouched
The best part about photography in RAW format is the freedom of post-processing. Whereas jpeg photos are automatically processed by the camera and have limited capacity for retouching, the sky is the limit with RAW files, which contain raw sensor data with extreme flexibility for interpretation using a program like Adobe Lightroom. I first started shooting RAW in 2010. It would be really interesting to revisit photos from years past and see how my current self would process those photos.
I was going through my hard drive looking for a photo to print and came across a favorite from last year. I tried re-processing it from scratch and wow, what a difference.
My edit from today
My interpretation a year ago
This illustrates how my personal tastes in photography have changed. One might think the new edit is more fanciful and less realistic, but currently my tastes are bolder and more saturated. Who knows, my edit in 2015 will likely be completely different. At the moment, I feel this best captures the mood of the scene as I experienced it, basking in the ocean breeze and setting sun.